Lumos StepUp SkillBuilder + Test Prep for SBAC: Online Practice Assessments and Workbooks - Grade 10 Math
- Two Performance Tasks (PT)
- Two Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT)
- 9 Technology-enhanced item types practice
- 150+ Skills practice and Hundreds of standards aligned practice questions
- Useful resource for intervention and remediation
- Access to Teacher and Student Portal

The Lumos StepUp® Online Program helps reinforce the classroom learning experience for children through the innovative use of technology and individualized instruction. Using these teacher created assessments that are completely aligned to CCSS and the new testing guidelines, students can prepare for the Assessments. Teachers can use the program all year to complement and extend classroom instruction.
- Two Performance Tasks (PT)
- Two Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT)
- 9 Technology-enhanced item types practice
- 150+ standards aligned online workbooks
- Teacher Portal: Tools to promote individualized instruction and targeted intervention
- Student Portal: Supports personalized self-paced learning and progress reports
- Additional learning resources such as educational apps and videos
Table of Content
Assessment | SBA |
Organizations | Teacher |
Grade | Grade 10 |
Is Featured? | Yes |